Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Premature Ejaculation Pill that Works

Most people will say a premature ejaculation pill is the easy route and there's no way such a quick fix could work. If you take the traditional approach to pill popping and buy a bottle of snake oil pills thinking you can just pop one and the problem be solved, then yes, the naysayers are right. But if you take a bottle of pills, apply a weeks worth of manifestation, then you will see some amazing, almost unbelievable results.

The method here is fairly simple, and works by using the placebo effect to our advantage. It's been proven time and again that when one believes something to be working, then it mysteriously begins to work. Bear with me here... A study conducted a few years back showed how individuals who received only an incision to their knees, (thus believing they had actual knee surgery, yet they only received a cut with stitches applied later) these individuals were totally cured from their knee ailments, despite no actual surgery having taken place. It was simply the belief that turned out to be the answer. If we can harness this belief, and put it in a bottle then you can imagine the possibilities for an actual working premature ejaculation pill.

For our premature ejaculation pill possibilities and purposes we are going to take a bottle of sugar pills and first label it on the outside "premature ejaculation pill remedy" or if you want to be more discreet, simply "PE pill remedy" will work. Now once we design the bottle, we want to hold it in our hands and simply stare at it as if we are holding the holy grail while focusing on the incredible fact that in our hands we hold the key to a premature ejaculation cure.

For the next 5 days don't take any of your premature ejaculation pill remedies just yet, rather continue focusing on the bottle and it's amazing potential for a cure. Essentially what you are doing is adding the ingredients to the pills, through your manifesting that these will in fact work. You're building up the necessary belief pattern that has been proven to be a powerful remedy. Every day look and focus deeply on your premature ejaculation pill bottle, building up the ingredients while realizing you hold the simple answer to premature ejaculation.

On the 6th day begin taking one premature ejaculation pill 3 times throughout the day and continue for at least 3-5 days before giving things a "trial run" if you know what I'm saying.

Your premature ejaculation pill will give you the major mental edge when dealing with PE, and you'll be amazed at how a miracle has seemingly occurred and you're now able to last longer, when in fact it was your hard work and manifestations which achieved the results.

Now if you really want to seal the cure air tight, then you can take the mental edge you have now developed, and apply that towards the physical; exercises and other techniques which you can perform to increase lasting power on the physical front. The premature ejaculation pill remedy can make you last longer when done in the manifesting mindset, while adding in the physical will ensure things either further, and can step in at times where we are sometimes mentally off, or slightly depressed about something and our manifestations suffer slightly.

For more information on the physical exercises and further mental tricks please see Taking on premature ejaculation both mentally and physically can transform a man into an amazing, super freak of a lover. Check out for more.

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